【Xbox360】《怒首领蜂:大复活 黄金版 Dodonpachi Resurrection Deluxe Edition》金手指下载

作者 游戏~年轮用户上传   2021-09-17 11:44:14

  【Xbox360】《怒首领蜂:大复活 黄金版 Dodonpachi Resurrection Deluxe Edition》金手指下载,这是一款非常射击游戏,需要金手指的玩家可以来关注一下它哦。

Dodonpachi Resurrection Deluxe Edition

h3nt4i16 +25

欧版对应 作者未写黄金版

  TU0 (Works with Black Label and Black Label Novice DLC)

  Title ID:545A07D2

  Media ID: ????????

  Trainer option:

  1-inf lives All Modes* (Disables all when you change the mode)

  2-Inf Bomb All modes*(Disables all when you change the mode)

  3-invincible All modes* (Disables all when you change the mode)

  4-Inf Energy All modes* (Disables all when you change the mode)

  9-Disables all

* Novice Xbox360, Ver.1.51, Arrange B, Arrange A, Ver.1.5 Xbox360, Black Label and Black Label Novice


f1l3gr3n V1.0


  Infinite Lives

  Infinite Bombs (And thus can't die either, because when hit = -1 bomb)

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